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10 Things I do to Combat Writer's Block

Updated: Jul 17, 2020

It happens to the best of us.

  1. Listen to lyrics-less jazz - Listening to jazz often helps me to focus and re-energize!

  2. Take short snack breaks - I try to stick to a small snack packed with antioxidants and vitamins - brain food! My favourites are raw mixed nuts, fresh fruit, and dark chocolate.

  3. Stand up - Sometimes I just need to get up and walk around! Get that blood flowing again.

  4. Read - I like to reacquaint myself with a good writer/writing style that I admire and find some inspiration.

  5. Talk to a friend - This allows me to both take a bit of a break, get my blood flowing, and engaging in conversation tends to help with instances when I'm writing dialogue.

  6. Get some fresh air - I like to give myself the opportunity to go outside, take some deep breaths, and just pause to observe the world around me. Inspiration is all around us!

  7. Ramble writing - Sometimes I have a thought or too many thoughts that I'm too hung up on relaying properly that I can't seem to communicate them at all. In that case, I'll just write it all out without any inhibitions and go back to edit it later.

  8. Step away from it altogether - Sometimes I just need to set it aside, rest, and give my brain a chance to relax and recuperate, so I'll do something else I enjoy like watching a movie, meeting up with friends, going out to an event, etc.

  9. Watch videos and interviews of accomplished writers - I always feel inspired after hearing an accomplished writer talk about their creative process. One of my favourites:

  10. Write something else - If I can't seem to move forward with one writing piece I'm working on, I'll set it aside and switch to another one. This way, I'm still writing and still moving forward in my creative process.

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